Annual Polaris meeting 2024 in Lyon
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 09:30-16:30, Espace des Rotary clubs de Lyon | 33, Cours Albert Thomas - 69003 Lyon
Jan Trnka - Polaris product manager and IT responsible
Marion de Lattre Wiesel - Membre de l'équipe Polaris
Annual meeting 2024
Thank you for your very active participation in this year's meeting! As announced, here are the notes taken during the session:
Following topics have been recorded:
- Idea: add DGs, DGEs and DGNs to RS Polaris (Other Contacts), to give them access to more information than is available to the public (“user statistics” in particular) => confirm interest to Marion for implementation.
- Polaris promotion: confirm interest to Marion for implementation.
Promotion of Polaris: Create an eye-catching tool presenting the key features of Polaris to promote it actively and effectively => the DICOs offer to coordinate this project with the Polaris team.
- Use of RMD : for DICOs as well as DGs, DGNs and DGEs => can be a tool for collaboration between districts and coordinated communication with all French Polaris clubs.
- Rotary organization => zones of the AGs : for districts whose AG sectors do not correspond to club distribution zones, create a second distribution by AG sector => DICOs or district teams concerned can forward their lists to Marion for implementation.
The working language of the meeting will be French, with some contributions in English.
09:00 - 12:30 => Organizational & technical topics
- Polaris status report / new ARM organization
- Situation in French Polaris districts and clubs
- SEMDA 3 status and current developments
- Discussion
If there are further topics to be discussed, please send them by e-mail to by 15 November 2024.
13:00 - 14:30 => Lunch on site with participants and invited guests
14h30 - 16h30 => Discussion after lunch
- Synthesis and conclusion of the meeting, with the available DGs and DGEs.
Dinner with the DICOs on previous evening, Tuesday 26 November
It's a Rotarian tradition to meet and eat together, to strengthen friendships and experience positive moments together. Let's enjoy a friendly evening and talk about topics other than Polaris!
The Polaris team invites the available DICOs to a dinner on Tuesday 26. November from 7:30 pm, at the restaurant Marguerite - Maisons Bocuse (57 Av. des Frères Lumière, Lyon 8).
The registration deadline has passed