Report on Alain Zumbrunnen's presentation to Rotary Club Aigle

Friday, April 22, 2022 12:00-14:00, Auberge de La Couronne

Conférencier: Alain Zumbrunnen

Bulletinier: Frédérick Berardinelli

  • Jacques Gamboni

In short

◘ Mr Alain Zumbrunnen, President of Friends of HRDC in Switzerland, talks about the creation of the hospital, its development and its main successes

◘ Inter-club meeting

◘ Soon Fréjus

Alain Zumbrunnen (HRDC children's hospital in Karve, Nepal) with the president of the Aigle Rotary Club Jean-Marc Udriot

Club action

On Friday, the club had the pleasure to receive Mr Alain Zumbrunnen, president of Friends of HRDC in Switzerland, a branch of Terre des Hommes. The club decided to support this institution with a donation that will be used to purchase a pair of computers.


The project of Terre des Hommes was to create a hospital for children who need orthopaedic care as well as for any health problems that may arise. Mr. Zumbrunnen had the good fortune to be the co-founder of this hospital in 1985 with Dr. Banskotar.

Alain Zumbrunnen giving his presentation of HRDC

Jacques Gamboni, organiser of this meeting, with Alain Zumbrunnen

A gathering of Rotarians attentive to the words of Alain Zumbrunnen

Today, we note the appointments on paper …

… like here, for instance.

Tomorrow, we'll use the Rotary Aigle computers

Dr Banskotar

An excellent orthopaedic surgeon practising in California, he decided to return to his country, Nepal, working 6 days a week to treat the local population free of charge and one day a week for tourists on an hourly basis.

In Kathmandu in 1985, one child in two died between the ages of 0 and 2, and 9 times out of 10 due to lack of care; hence the need for this hospital, which focuses on paediatric orthopaedic problems, congenital diseases, burns, deformities, accidents, etc...

The hospital today

The hospital is very successful, partly thanks to of the quality of the care and partly thanks to the reception and follow-up of the families of the little patients (from zero to sixteen years old). The development of a private clinic where among the famous the royal family was also treated has allowed the development of the adjacent public hospital for children.

The hospital has an orthopaedic laboratory, 32 beds, an operating theatre and a full range of care, follow-up and prevention services for young patients and their parents, even those from the most distant valleys.

Contribution of Rotary Aigle

We invite you to visit the website of the hospital in Nepal, which will be able to describe in more detail this exceptional journey!

The Action Commission chaired by Dominique Luisier and our President have approved the decision to donate 2000 fr to allow the purchase of computer equipment.

Inter-Club evening at the Badouxthèque in Yvorne

That evening, at the Badouxthèque in Aigle, one could meet a large number of Rotarians from all walks of life. There were those from Aigle of course, those from Monthey, the organisers, but also, Montreux Vevey, Vevey Montreux Riviera, RAC, (Rotaracts) and even, we were told, a governor.

After a well-served aperitif, they gathered in the main hall for some speeches and an excellent aperitif dinner.

We promised to meet again next year and a club from the Riviera will be in charge of the organisation.

Géraldine Grau, president and organiser of the interclub meeting on 14 April in Yvorne

Frederico Andréani took the opportunity to sell a few boxes of beer and various projects were discussed which Rotarians will hear about in future newsletters.

Visit of members of Rotary Fréjus (France)


Vive la visite du RC Fréjus

Dominique Luisier takes the floor to announce the next visit

Au programme

Amis lecteurs, vous savez désormais trouver le programme des prochaines réunions du club. Il faut toutefois attirer en plus votre attention sur ce qui suit:

Evénement exceptionnel

Vendredi 6 mai on aura en collaboration du RC Aubonne la visite de l'entreprise Volet à Aigle

Pour mémoire,les Rotariens d'Aigle ont reçu le message suivant:

(…)  Jean-Pierre Schenk (RC Aubonne) organise (…)  une visite de l’entreprise Volprod du groupe Volet à Aigle, le vendredi 6 mai qui vient. (…)
Au programme:
  • Visite de la halle 10.30 heures jusqu’à 11.30 heures.
  • Apéro.
  • Stamm commun jusqu’à 12.15 heures puis :
  • Conférence de Andrea Sherpa Zimmermann (Madame Everest 8848 mètres)
  • Repas en commun dès 13.15 heures dans la halle de production qui est chauffée si besoin.

Et comme Polaris fait toujours peur, il demande que l'on s'inscrive par Doodle à l'adresse:


RC Fréjus: 4-5-6 juin:

Nonobstant les faibles inscriptions du club RC Fréjus, le club a décidé de maintenir le programme prévu pour eux pour qu'on garde ces liens d'amitiés. Vu qu'ils ne sont que 8, il a décidé de réduire un peu la voilure au niveau du programme . En tout cas le samedi 4 juin on devrait avoir le repas à la BadouxThèque, avec la soirée vigneronne en laissant tourner la vidéo de la fête des Vignerons.

Le dimanche on visitera le Musée Chaplin, à midi d'avoir un repas de filet de perche  et visiter les vignobles du Lavaux et le soir une soirée libre auprès de différents Rotariens.

Le lundi de Pentecôte on va organiser un petit brunch. 

On vous exhorte à être nombreux!

Et l'année prochaine c'est à nous d'y aller!

Apéro Time !

Luc de Rizzo communique que l'appel à l'apéro du jeudi a été entendu et qu'un joli mouvement de cinq Rotariens armés de passion, volonté et investissement a bien profité du jeudi soir si bien qu'ils ont été exfiltré du Caveau à la fin de la soirée :-)

L'état d'esprit se résume à: On était peu mais on était pleins!!!

Frederick Berardinelli

The thought for the day

Your esteemed newsletter editor, Frederick, offers his readers the following thought for the day:

Ο μορφωμένος άνθρωπος διαφέρει από τον αμόρφωτο, όσο ο ζωντανός από τον νεκρό

which scholars will translate as follows: The educated man differs from the uneducated man, as the living from the dead.


Paul Droz, IW Chablais CICO

"Belt dinner" of the Innerwheel Chablais Club

Take part in the traditional belt dinnerof the IW Chablais Club!

This is the invitation that Paul Droz addresses to all his fellow members of the Rotary Club Aigle, hoping to be heard.

Bertrand Morisod dit tout sur les abris

On Friday evening, at 8:33 pm, TF1 in its 8:00 pm news offers a subject which interests the Swiss and particularly one of them well known to Rotarians, Bertrand Morisod. Thanks to Hans-Ruedi Gerber for bringing this to our attention.

  Suite de l'apéro offert par Frédérick pour son anniversaire  

Chaque coup de colère est un coup de vieux. Chaque sourire est un coup de jeune. Amitié et tolérance.


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